New & Part Worn Tyres
Branded and budget new tyres to suit all Pockets. Part worn tyres available in most sizes.
Huge on shelf Selection
From budget to top brand tyres and over four thousand in stock.
We cater for all car, van, truck and agricultural. We also stock quad tyres, wheelbarrow tyres, ride on mower tyres and many more.

All Davanti Tyres Come With a Tyre Lifetime Guarantee
Covers Accidental Damage Such As :
- Impact Damage
- Nail/Screw in Side Wall
- Run-On-Flat Damage
24hr Tyre and Wheel breakdown service.
Don't be left on the side of the road.
Our 24 hour tyre breakdown service covers all of the Midlands and many areas much further afield. We make sure no one is left behind or stranded !
We have two recovery vans on the road.
Call us on
085 779 6728
3D Wheel Alignment
Quality Tyres Ltd. Tullamore, were one of the first tyre shops in ireland to provide 3D wheel alignment services.
We have the experience and expertise
There are three main types of alignments available – front-end, thrust and four-wheel. The type of suspension that your vehicle has determines what kind of alignment your car will receive.
Your 3D alignment operator will provide the most accurate adjustments for you vehicle.
- NCT - Poor alignment leads to an automatic failure.
- Fuel Savings - Engines work harder using more fuel if wheels badly aligned.
- Lifespan - Good Alignment means less wear and a longer tyre lifespan.
- Auto Repairs - Poor alignment causes uneven wear and premature failure of car parts.
- Smoother Driving - improper alignment means constant adjusting of steering wheel.
- Vehicle Safety - Proper maintenace means a safer vehicle.

Puncture Repair
Puncture Repair, Tubes, and car accessories.
SAfe and efficient
Tyre punctures are an inconvenience we can all do without.
Tyre punctures can also prove to be a safety hazard.
All punctures repaired by quality tyres are provided with 100% safety and compliance with all regularity standards.
We’ll get you back on the road and we always have your safety in mind.
TPMS Sensor and Light
The TPMS indicator is a light on the dashboard that indicates that your tyre pressure may be low and should be checked.
We can reprogram your cars sensor valves

Rim straightening
Straightening and welding of Bent or Cracked rims.
Can a bent rim be fixed ?
Almost always, a professional tyre and Wheel expert will be able to restore the shape of your rim.

NCT & SAfety
Good Tyre and wheel condition is crucial for the safety of a vehicle.
- NCT - Poor alignment leads to an automatic failure.
- Auto Repairs - Poor alignment causes uneven wear and premature failure of car parts.
- Vehicle Safety - Proper maintenance means a safer vehicle.
Tyres are your cars only contact points to the road.
Poor tyre condition will adversely effect the control and handling of a vehicle on the road. We can check your tyres for key safety conditions that a casual visual check could miss.